Lost Islands (2021) / Helsinki Biennial 2021
Lost Islands takes you on a performative journey through the wilderness and ruins of Vallisaari where black and brown bodies – the repressed ghosts of technology and infrastructure exist in search of utopia, but only struggle in the state of a black inferno.
As a performative commentary on the oppression of the human in the post-Anthropocene, Lost Islands explores the conquest of nature, of common lands, and the laboring body by colonialism for resource extraction. By performative movements, it investigates the capture of knowledge and of black and brown bodies by mechanization into modern technologies and infrastructure. Finally, the ultimate transformation of these bodies into automation driven by Artificial Intelligence provokes an existential dilemma – an enduring question for us to answer in the present and the near future.
Lost Islands is inspired by Kathryn Yusoff’s A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None, Jussi Parikka’s The Geology of Media, Tove Jansson’s The Island, the writings of Dionne Brand, Sylvia Winter, N.K. Jemisin, Achille Mbembe and others.”
Read more here: https://helsinkibiennaali.fi/en/artist/samir-bhowmik/
Lost Islands (2021) - The Film is based on the ‘Lost Islands’ performance project commissioned by the Helsinki Biennial 2021.
Written and Directed by Samir Bhowmik
Cinematography by Christopher L. Thomas
Editing by Christopher L. Thomas & Samir Bhowmik
Sound Design by Viljami Lehtonen
2nd Camera Operated by Roxana Sadvokassova
Vocals by Dallas Ulla
Aerial Filming by Ville Hyvönen
Color Correction & Grading by Emmi Holopainen
Narrated by Samir Bhowmik
Performed by Esete Sutinen, Jani Toivola, Amira Khalifa & Geoffrey Erista
Performance Design and Implementation by Samir Bhowmik, Esete Sutinen, Jani Toivola, Amira Khalifa & Geoffrey Erista
Performance Dramaturgy by Michelle Orenius (2021) and Warda Ahmed (2020)
Performance Co-direction by Michelle Orenius
Costume Design by Hanne Jurmu (2021) and Pauliina Sjöberg (2020)
Motion Design by Oskar Koli (Installation: Signals from the Sea)
Production Assistance by Tero Kaipanen
Project Advised by Jussi Parikka
Lost Islands - The Performance at Helsinki Biennial 2021.
Kadonneet saaret 2021
Performatiivinen tutkimusmatka, videoinstallaatio, kaapeli-installaatio ja esinekooste: Käsikirjoitus, konsepti, ohjaus: Samir Bhowmik; Teoksen suunnittelu ja toteutus: Samir Bhowmik, Esete Sutinen, Jani Toivola, Amira Khalifa, Geoffrey Erista; Esiintyjät: Esete Sutinen, Jani Toivola, Amira Khalifa, Geoffrey Erista; Dramaturgia: Michelle Orenius (2021), Warda Ahmed (2020); Apulaisohjaus: Michelle OreniusKehollinen suunnittelu: Esete Sutinen; Äänisuunnittelu: Viljami LehtonenLaulu: Dallas Ulla; Elokuvaus: Christopher Thomas; Kameraoperattori: Roxana Sadvokassova; Pukusuunnittelu: Hanne Jurmu (2021), Pauliina Sjöberg (2020); Liikesuunnittelu, animointi: Oskar KoliJärjestäjä, tuotantoassistentti: Tero Kaipanen; Neuvonantaja: Jussi Parikka
Signaaleja mereltä 2021
videoanimaatioKonsepti ja suunnittelu: Samir Bhowmik; Liikesuunnittelu, animointi: Oskar Koli; Musiikki: Viljami Lehtonen; Laulu: Dallas Ulla